
Current Obsession: Downton Abbey

This is what my weekend is going to consist of: streaming Downton Abbey until Matthew and Lady Mary fall in love.  This show is totally the Mad Men of the early 20th century, I can't get enough.  (Also, according the The Onion, watching this show is the educational equivalent to reading a book!)


things organized neatly

Finally, OCD is celebrated.  So good. 


a couple things...

There's quite a few beautiful things over at TenOverSix right now, including this K/LLER Quill Cage Bangle, these Nash boots by Rachel Comey.


Tiny Homes

A lovely video for Lloyd Kahn's exciting new book Tiny Homes by my friend Jason Sussberg.  I've blogged about Kahn's masterpiece Shelter before, but this new book is all about homes that are under 500 sq/ft.  So efficient and cute - all of the sudden my apartment seems big!   

oooh catchy.

Birthday no. 26

I am officially 26!  And boy am I a lucky woman...I got a handmade silk scarf from Laura, a Balinese brass padlock from Diana, bracelets from my Swedish darling Bella, a beautiful Arts and Crafts card from my sister and a necklace from the lovely Kaila.  I also got to share a couple of dinners with some of the best people in the world (in my unbiased opinion).  Big things are happening this year, so here we go!  
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